
Articles about Civil Law

Guarantee, surety and consequences

Guarantee or surety, by nature, are ways of guaranteeing debts contracted by a person, whether natural or legal, with the creditor. These are personal guarantees, intended to ensure legal relationships. Understand how it works.

Promissory Notes: History and Requirements

The first records of Promissory Notes take us back to the Middle Ages, a time when bills of exchange appeared, which were used in commercial transactions. The promissory note has the same effectiveness as a court sentence, handed down during a process. Know everything.

Checks: History, Validity and How to Use

Research carried out by the Central Bank of Brazil indicates that checks have been losing ground to other means of payment and that Brazil is the fifth country in which there has been the greatest decline in the use of checks as a form of payment. Find out more and learn about the history of the check.